Three Versions of Truth: Hysterical Truth, Psychoanalytic Truth, and Revolutionary Truth

Helpful blog if your struggling with defining the Truth! Not convinced that psychoanalytic truth and Badiou’s Truth are incompatible…

Lacanian Scraps

It seems to me that there are really three versions of Truth on the table today. The first version of Truth is reductive. The second is destructive, and the third is productive. All three are responding to a similar threat: the threat of absolutism/universalism and the equally potent threat of relativism. To begin with, there has been an awkward conflation of universalism with absolutism. For the purposes of this blog, I will avoid the debate. But I will state up front that I do not share the view that universalism is inherently absolutist. Moreover, I do not share the view that universalism, as a position, is necessarily hegemonic or unethical. So, for the purposes of this blog, I prefer to use the word absolutism over universalism.

The reductive position is best exemplified by John D. Caputo. Caputo discusses the shift in the status of Truth from the Enlightenment to Postmodernity…

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